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Are you a visitor in town and looking for a place to worship?  Are you searching for a new church home?  Or just seeing what different faith communities are like?


Here is what you can expect when coming to Northminster Presbyterian for our 10:00 AM Sunday worship service.  Feel free to check out our live-streamed worship services on our Youtube page as well.

What to Expect When Visiting Northminster


You will see a variety of dress among Northminster’s congregation, from t-shirts to suits and  shorts to dresses, though most of our congregation falls between casual and business casual.



Though our address is on Buckley Road, you must turn onto Milbrook Drive to access our parking lot.  Please enter through the first turn into the lot as indicated by the arrows on the ground.  There are marked handicapped spaces close to the building for those with disabilities.


The main church entrance is through the door with the walkway tent marked by the word “Church”.  Please proceed through the entrance, up a few steps and through the double doors.  There is a wheel-chair accessible entrance ramp to the right of the main entrance and which ends at the top of the stairs.


You are now in the narthex and the sanctuary is straight ahead.  You may enter through either of the double doors.


Before Worship Begins

Before entering the sanctuary, please grab a copy of the bulletin from a greeter or the table in the Narthex, which will guide you through the worship service.  There are also printed copies of the pastor's sermon for those who find it helpful to read along while listening.  Feel free to talk to folks in the narthex or sanctuary, or find a seat and center yourself for worship.  You will find folks doing both most Sundays.


The Worship Service

The worship service at Northminster is traditional in its structure and musical offerings, while the theology in the liturgy and message are progressive and Christ-centered.  Among the congregation, you will find a wide variety of theological beliefs, which adds richness and diversity to who we are.  As a Presbyterian church, our worship is firmly rooted in the Reformed tradition, which means we enter and begin with praise of God, confess our shortcomings and are assured of God’s pardon, receive our message through holy scripture and preaching, respond to the Word with joyful service and prayer, and go back out into the world as the hands and feet of Christ.


The bulletin is a step-by-step guide through the worship service.  It lays out each part of the service.  All prayers, hymn lyrics, and scripture readings will be printed in the bulletin.  For unfamiliar tunes, you are welcome to use one of the hymnals (“The Worshipping Church”) located underneath the pew in front of you, as it contains sheet music in addition the words.  The bulletin will indicate which page of the hymnal the hymn is on.  There is also a pew Bible for those who would rather follow along with the readings that way.


We celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of each month.  Unlike many other Christian denominations, Presbyterians believe that the sacrifice of Christ had already been offered once and for all, and needs no repetition.  As such, there is no altar at Northminster.  Instead, we celebrate communion at the Lord’s Table, and all are welcome to the Lord’s Table.


After Worship

After worship, we would love it if you joined us for fellowship time in the library.  This is a great time to get to know folks in the congregation or ask any questions you may have about the church.  Feel free to grab a coffee and a treat or two while you’re there!

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